Writers from Old Dominion University’s Master in Fine 艺术 in Creative Writing program are harnessing the power of language to help adoptable animals at the 诺福克SPCA find forever homes. The effort is part of ODU’s Writers in 社区, a non-profit program dedicated to helping the diverse communities of Coastal Virginia by cultivating literacy and creativity. A branch of the Old Dominion University MFA Creative Writing Program, Writers in 社区 works with local organizations to reach out to children and adults who can benefit from the opportunity to express themselves artistically.

通过一个 social media campaign that started in May, students wrote bios for the several dogs, bunnies and a cat, who are in need of new homes, including the shelter’s longest resident, 哈雷, who has been with the SPCA for more than a year. Students have also 分享d photos of their own literary-minded pets to encourage others to adopt. 

“We’re thrilled to partner with such talented writers to 分享 the stories of these wonderful animals,” said Tammy Lindquist, community engagement manager at the SPCA. “Animals make a profound difference in our lives and we’re so happy these writers are sharing the stories of our beloved animals and their own.”

的小说家, poets and essayists in the MFA program also 分享d photos of their own pets, with reflections on the impact these best friends have made on their lives. SPCA supporters are encouraged to 分享 photos on social media of the pets they’ve adopted through the SPCA with #findyournewbestfriend.

“Our pets provide endless joy and inspiration,” said Kent Wascom, MFA in Creative Writing program director at ODU and author of “The Great State of West Florida.” “The incredible writers in our program are so excited to help these dogs and cats and rabbits find families who will care for them, and to 分享 the ways their own pets impact their lives.”

The adoptable animals featured in the campaign and others hosted by the SPCA can be met from 1 to 4:30 p.m. each day except Tuesdays at their adoption center on Ballentine Boulevard.